5 Benefits of Incline Walking
Dec 08, 2023
There are so many benefits of incline walking.
Incline walking is something that I started doing about 3 months ago.
I stick to the 12-3-30 trend.
What is this?
12 is for incline. So I raise the incline to 12, which is about a 4.8 degree incline.
3 is for miles per hour (mph). I walk at 3 mph.
30 is for minutes. I walk for 30 minutes.
Let me tell you, it may suck during it, but after you feel like a new person.
However, you don’t necessarily have to stick to the 12-3-30 trend. You can start off easier, with a lower incline, a slower pace, and less time.
Start small and progress from there.
*Avoid staring at the time. It helps a lot to watch a Netflix show/movie while walking. Makes the time go so much faster.
Here are 5 benefits of incline walking.
#1: Incline walking is way easier than running and reaps the same (if not better) results.
& it’s way easier on your joints.
Now, don’t be afraid of working your joints too much, because it is actually really good for your bone density.
When you have a higher bone density, your likelihood of getting osteopenia (weakened bones) later on in life is lower.
However, walking is plenty for the joints to get their work done & not over doing it.
Since running has a higher impact on our joints (from the high intensity pounding of our feet on the ground), it can lead to more injuries like strains and sprains.
That is a good thing to keep in mind as well when considering incline walking or running.
Running? We just don’t know her.
Another reason? Because, we as women, have crazy hormones.
Running can get our hormones going nuts and out of whack.
Walking, especially at a pace of 3 mph or less, helps us balance our hormones which helps us lose weight easier.
Walking and running both:
→ Lower blood pressure
→ Improve cholesterol
→ Aide in good heart health
→ Increase heart rate
The benefits of incline walking are about the same, if not better (as I said!!) than running.
#2 Walking on an incline increases your heart rate
Again, running? We don’t know her.
BECAUSE walking on an incline increases your heart rate enough for your cardiovascular health and aerobic fitness to improve/be maintained.
Increasing our heart rate is important because our heart is a muscle that also needs to be exercised.
Incline walking increases our heart rate, working it out & pumping blood and oxygen to our muscles.
Increasing our heart rate regularly helps us stay healthier and ultimately live longer.
See? We don’t need running when we have incline walking..
*You love running? Keep doing it, don’t let me stop you just because I don’t like it!
#3 Incline walking still helps you build muscle, while losing fat!
Walking in general strengthens the lower body and core.
Adding an incline helps strengthen those parts even more.
Core muscles, glutes, hamstrings, & calves are all targeted during incline walking.
While you’re strengthening your muscles, you are also losing fat.
Since the incline is harder, you are using your muscles more, increasing your heart rate more, and burning more calories all while keeping our hormones balanced.
That is the perfect recipe for fat loss.
#4 Walking on an incline burns more calories.
Incline walking burns way more calories than walking on a flat surface.
It would be best to incline walk on a treadmill because it will give you a consistent incline, whereas outside terrain isn’t always uphill.
When walking on an incline you can burn at least 150 calories or more compared to walking on flat ground at the same speed.
This depends on the incline amount, the duration of the walk, the amount you weigh, etc.
Enough said.
#5 Incline walking boosts your endorphins for the rest of the day.
I wake up at 5am to go to the gym to go incline walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I do this 2 days a week.
My endorphins are on blast for the rest of the day. Nothing can stop me.
What are endorphins?
They are chemicals that get released from the brain that cause relaxation and improve our mood. They bring positive feelings throughout our bodies.
Walking (especially on an incline) promotes the release of endorphins.
Studies have found that at least 20 minutes of exercise can trigger endorphin release, increasing our mood, for up to 12 hours.
Having a bad day? Go for a walk for 20-30 minutes and have a great rest of your day.
This has to be one of my favorite benefits of incline walking.
Is walking on an incline good for weight loss?
Yes. The incline makes walking harder, working the core and lower body muscles, raising the heart rate, and ultimately burning more calories.
What happens when you walk incline everyday?
You’re going to feel energized and awake. You are going to notice yourself becoming leaner and stronger. You are going to notice the muscles you have been growing.
Is 30 minutes of Incline walking enough?
30 minutes of incline walking is enough exercise for the day.
However, the CDC recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. See source here.
That means that if you do 30 minutes of walking a day, you have to do that 5 times per week.
However, instead of incline walking 30 minutes every day, you can do that 2-3 times per week and do strength training workouts the remaining days.
Changing up the type of exercise will deter your muscles from burning out.
How long should you walk on an incline?
30 minutes of incline walking is sufficient at a time.
Can I do 12-3-30 everyday?
It’s recommended to only do 12-3-30 two to three times a week. On the other days of the week, it is recommended to focus on strength training the main muscle groups.
I personally strength train three days a week and do 12-3-30 two days a week.
Which cardio is best for fat loss?
The cardio that is best for fat loss are low impact activities like rowing, biking, incline walking, and walking.
This is especially true for women because low impact activities will keep our hormones normal, which then helps us lose fat more easily.
What burns fat the fastest?
High intensity interval training burns fat the fastest.
This is a type of workout where you do strenuous exercises for 30-60 seconds and then recover for 30-60 seconds and repeat.
This is the most efficient way to burn fat because it burns a lot of calories in a short amount of time and it increases your metabolic rate for hours after the workout.
What is the best cardio to do everyday?
The best cardio to do everyday is walking.
Walking everyday will NOT lead to burn out like running will. It will keep you feeling energized and will help keep your mental health in tip top shape.
A good base goal is to get 10,000 steps a day. This is about 5 miles.
It sounds hard but every step you take throughout the day counts towards it.
Easy ways to get more steps throughout the day:
→ Parking farther away in the parking lot
→ Every hour get up and walk for 5 minutes
→ Take the longer walking route to your destination
What you track increases, so the more you track your steps, the more steps you’ll take.
Is 12 incline good on treadmill?
A 12 incline on the treadmill is good because it burns that many more calories than you would walking on flat ground.
If you are new to incline walking, start smaller (like an incline of 3) and work your way up to 12.
Does incline walking build abs?
Incline walking strengthens the core. Over time, incline walking can help build abs.
However, I wouldn’t fully rely only on incline walking to build abs. It is important to add in other core workouts to build abdominal muscles.
Incline walking and performing planks for 30-60 seconds would be a great way to get more ab definition.
Do you need rest days from cardio?
It depends on the type and intensity of cardio you are doing. If you are doing intense cardio, you should take rest days. Typically 48 hours in between cardio days will be enough rest.
If you are walking on flat ground for 30 minutes or more, you can do that everyday.
However, don’t be afraid of rest days. That is when your body recovers and your muscles begin to grow & the weight comes off.
Is incline walking enough of a workout?
Incline walking is a great workout, but it shouldn’t be your only form of exercise. Strength training is also very important and should be incorporated throughout your week 2-3 times.
Incline walking for 30 minutes is a great workout 2-3 times per week, but again, it can’t be your only form of exercise.
Do you now see all the benefits of incline walking? You should start adding this to your exercise routine asap.
BONUS TIP: If you are adding cardio (like incline walking) to your regular strength training workouts, do the cardio at the END of your workout after strength training. You will burn more calories that way.
Email [email protected] and let us know how you feel after incorporating incline walking in your weekly exercise routine.
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