Mindset Tips to Lose the Weight You've Been Holding Onto
Dec 12, 2023Mindset tips to lose the weight can help drastically because mindset is everything when it comes to losing weight.
Without it, failure is more than likely.
That sounds harsh but mindset is what gets you up to workout in the morning even though you’d rather sleep another hour.
It helps you make the better choice when you’re contemplating eating pizza or a salad.
Here are my top 7 mindset tips to FINALLY lose the weight you have been holding onto.
Mindset Tip #1 Find your why
Why do you want to lose weight?
→ To look good?
→ To feel good?
→ To be able to do more things?
Whatever it is, acknowledge it.
Write it down, hang it on your mirror.
Look at it everyday and remember why you need to keep going with your weight loss journey.
This will keep your mindset motivated.
Mindset Tip #2 Set small, realistic goals
It’s really hard to go from 0 to a 100 on changing your habits and behaviors.
It’s really not good for your mental health to change every aspect of your health habits in one go.
Because when you fail at that, it’s going to tear your mindset down and leave you feeling worthless.
Sorry not to be depressing or anything, I’m just saying it’s not the best idea
…let’s start with small, attainable goals that will build our confidence.
For example,
→ Go to the gym 1 day a week
→ Go for a ten minute walk 3 times a week
→ Incorporate 1 healthy meal per day
Pick one attainable goal and start.
Mindset Tip #3 Get rid of the scale
Scales aren’t the only way to measure weight loss.
Measurements using a soft measuring tape is another option to measure weight loss.
& honestly, the better way to measure.
Scale out.
Measurements in.
Using a scale to weigh yourself isn’t always the best measurement for weight loss.
It doesn’t take into consideration height and body shape.
For example,
I am 5’11.
I am on the thinner side but I still have a little chunk in some areas.
However, I weigh a lot more than I look and feel.
When I look at the scale, I get discouraged.
I want to see it be 40 pounds lighter.
BUT, if I was 40 pounds lighter, ya girl would be a rail (& not in a good way!).
So, I have ditched the scale and I weigh myself based on how I look and feel.
You should do this too.
It’s a mindset game changer.
Mindset Tip #4 Practice gratitude towards your body
Your body is where your soul lives.
Your body is amazing.
All of its systems allow you to live your best life.
However, we need to appreciate it.
What we appreciate, appreciates.
Meaning, what we are thankful for, we get more of.
In this case, we are thankful for the good health of our bodies.
Also, if we are thankful for the weight that we have already lost, more weight loss is to come.
It’s the law of attraction, ladies.
Use it to your advantage.
Mindset Tip #5 Avoid deadlines
This is a lifestyle.
Your body needs time to lose the weight you’ve been holding onto.
There is no rush in getting that “perfect” body.
We can’t set a date on when we have to lose “x” amount of weight by.
That’s too much pressure to put on ourselves.
Because guess what?
Sustainable weight loss takes time and it’s usually way longer than we give ourselves time for.
This isn’t a get skinny quick kind of thing.
Like I said, it’s a lifestyle.
We are in it for the long haul.
Mindset Tip #6 Try saying “releasing weight” instead of “losing weight”
This might not make sense to you but let me explain.
We say release the weight instead because…
… when you lose something, you can eventually find it.
& we don’t want to “find” our weight again after we lose it.
The word lose just has the intention of “we need to find it because it’s lost”.
We want to release the weight and never gain it back (unless we want to, of course!!).
Try saying this instead on a daily basis.
Mindset Tip #7 No more “all or nothing” mindset
All or nothing mindset.
What do I mean?
Okay, for example:
You are eating healthy.
All of a sudden you eat a cookie because you felt like it.
Then you’re like: “Oh, I ate that cookie. The rest of the day I’ll just ditch the healthy eating and start again tomorrow”.
First off, it is absolutely 100% okay to eat a cookie if you feel like it.
(Or your sugar of choice).
We are here to live our best lives.
& that means eating what we want on occasion.
However, just because you ate one unhealthy thing, doesn’t mean you have to ditch healthy eating the rest of the day.
Eat the cookie and then eat your healthy meals and snacks as if nothing happened.
Because guess what?
One cookie ain’t gonna make or break your weight loss journey.
Mindset Conclusion
Your mindset when it comes to losing weight is just as important as your nutrition and your workouts.
Practice these mindset tips regularly and see how much easier it is to lose weight.
Email [email protected] and let us know how these mindset tips have helped in your weight loss journey.
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