6 Myths You Need to Know (& Avoid) About Fitness
Dec 12, 2023There are so many myths about fitness.
Sometimes it’s hard finding the correct information online, especially when it comes to health.
So, with my B.S. in Exercise Science and my experience as a personal trainer, I am here to bust some myths about fitness to the best of my ability.
Myths #1 – It’s important to shock the muscles constantly
What do I mean by shocking the muscles constantly?
Switching up your exercises every workout, every time so that your muscles never get used to the movements and will therefore grow.
This is one of the biggest myths about fitness.
Now I am going to say that it is good to switch up your exercises every so often.
But you don’t need to switch up your exercises for every workout to get muscle growth.
The best thing you can do for muscle growth is to do the same exercises (or close variations of them) for 4-6 weeks while adding weight or resistance constantly.
This helps you get the form correct while also (I guess you can say) shocking the muscles with the added resistance.
After 4-6 weeks, feel free to change up your exercises.
Myths #2 – Cardio is bad for muscle growth
Okay ladies, I’m not gonna lie, I hardcore believed in this myth up until a couple months ago.
I believed that cardio was the worst thing for growing the muscles I wanted.
I wanted the big booty, and I thought that cardio would shrivel it up.
& that can be true if you do cardio way more than lifting weights.
It can deplete muscle if you do A LOT of it.
But I actually mean a lot.
If you’re running a damn half marathon every other day and you’re only lifting weights once a week, you will not see a lot of muscle growth.
It just depends on your goals.
I love my muscles and growing my booty.
That’s why my focus is mainly on lifting weights.
However, I started incorporating cardio twice a week (walking for 30 minutes, 12 incline, 3 mph).
& I have actually noticed that instead of depleting my muscle, the cardio has helped me lose the fat and show more of my muscle.
Don’t get sucked into believing this myth.
Assess your goals.
If you want to run a half marathon (or heck a full marathon) go for it!
If you want sexy arms and a toned body, lift the weights and do some (not a lot) of cardio.
Myths #3 – Carbs are the worst thing for you
I hear people say this all the time.
“Carbs are so bad for you.”
“You should cut out carbs if you want to lose weight.”
First off, there is a time and place for carbs.
There are also carbs that are good for you and carbs that aren’t so good for you.
Fruits are carbs.
Are you trying to say fruit is bad for you?
Heck no, they are the perfect thing for a sweet tooth.
An abundance of fruit can be bad because the sugars add up.
But then again an abundance of any food is not good for you.
As I said, with fitness, carbs are important at the right time.
They are amazing for you before you workout because we want to use them for energy to pump some iron.
We don’t want to use our precious protein for energy.
We want to use that for muscle recovery and growth after our workout.
However, generally speaking, processed carbs are not good for you or your muscle growth.
That part is true.
Stick to whole, unprocessed carbs!
Some examples are:
→ Vegetables
→ Potatoes
→ Quinoa
→ Oats
→ Whole grain
→ Fruit
Try eating these before your next workout and see how good you feel throughout your exercises.
Myths #4 – You can target fat loss in certain areas of your body
This is a no.
But I also fell for this myth and I realize now my confusion.
You CAN target muscle growth in certain areas of your body but you CAN’T target fat loss in certain areas of your body.
Fat loss occurs throughout your entire body when you lose weight, not just a specific area.
For example, I want my abs to show.
So, for that to happen, I need to do ab workouts to grow my ab muscles AND I need to do light cardio to lose fat throughout my whole body to show my abs.
You can see where I got confused, it is kind of a play on words.
Muscle can grow in certain areas.
Fat loss occurs all over the body.
Myths #5 – The longer the workout, the better
Heck no.
You want to know what’s true (even with most things)?
Quality over quantity.
No one has hours to burn at the gym everyday (unless it’s your job).
& we have lives that are more than just going to the gym and going home.
We have families, houses to clean, tv to watch.
(Like hello, The Vampire Diaries isn’t just going to watch itself).
A good workout consists of 4-5 exercises that you do with the best form and the heaviest weight you can do at the moment.
Or, if you’re like me, do an hour-long workout class that hits every muscle group.
We don’t have to stay at the gym for a long time just to feel like we had a great workout.
Get in, do your quality workout, go home & enjoy your life.
Don’t let others make you feel like you do a shit workout just because you’re only there for 30 minutes.
Chances are the reason their workout is so long is because half the time they are taking gym selfies in the mirror or socializing.
Myths #6 – Lifting weights makes you look bulky
When it comes to myths about fitness this is #1.
(Saved the best for last!)
“Lifting weights makes you bulky.”
“Cardio is way better for your appearance.”
Hell to the no.
Lifting weights is going to give you sexy arms, a toned stomach, and a “fat” ass.
As women, our bodies are not capable of getting bulky, unless you are hardcore bodybuilding.
Of course, we can put on a lot of muscle mass and look super muscular, but that takes a lot of work and a heck ton of protein.
I promise you, lifting weights won’t make you look bulky.
It will actually make you look more feminine and healthy.
If you haven’t already, grab a pair of dumbbells and add them into your next workout and see how you feel.
Myths About Fitness Conclusion
Don’t let these myths about fitness slow you down in your journey.
Get your information from reliable sources.
I do my best to get the most real, honest information for you all so that you can succeed!
Forbes has another resource: Top 10 Most Common Myths About Fitness
If you have any information that you are not sure if it’s a myth or the truth, email [email protected] and we will help you to the best of our ability.
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