Reverse Dieting & Why We Should Be Doing It

Dec 13, 2023


I hate the word diet. But adding the word reverse in front of it does make it a little better. 



What is reverse dieting?


It is an EATING PLAN that allows you to increase your caloric intake little by little over the course of a few weeks or months so that you can eat more food while also increasing your metabolism and NOT gaining fat.



Can you lose weight with reverse dieting?




However, it has to be done correctly.


We need to put an emphasis on increasing caloric intake LITTLE BY LITTLE.


You can’t just automatically add an extra 800 calories to your diet the first day you decide to try reverse dieting.


You have to gradually add calories so that your metabolism can adapt to the changes.



Do you gain fat when reverse dieting?


When reverse dieting, you could see some minor WEIGHT gain in the beginning. 




No need to panic because I didn’t say gain fat.


Your weight may increase due to fluid retention.


It happens.


It’s normal.


It’s also temporary.


Let your body adjust to the added calories.


& with time it should resolve itself.



Does reverse dieting actually work?


When done correctly, YES it does!


If it is overwhelming to start, don’t be afraid to see a dietician or personal trainer to help you get started.


I know that Dairy Girl Fitness does a great job helping women lose/maintain weight with reverse dieting. 


Also check out her instagram here!




How long does it take for reverse dieting to work?


Since the body is adapting to more calories over a long period of time, you need to give the process at least 4 to 8 months if not more.


Trust in the process because in the long run, you will be able to eat more while losing/maintaining weight. 


How freaking amazing is that.



Does reverse dieting work without exercise?


It depends on if you exercised before starting a reverse diet.


If you weren’t exercising before, you can definitely start the reverse diet without exercise.


Of course, you can also start exercising with the reverse diet.


If you were exercising before, it is important to continue exercising while starting the reverse diet. 


I think exercising is important no matter what. 


Even if you diet, exercise does wonders for the health of your heart and overall body.



How do you reverse a 1,200 calorie diet?


Whether it’s a 1,200 calorie or 2,000 calorie diet, or anything in between or above, for a reverse diet, you typically add 30-100 calories per week. 


There is no rush in reverse dieting.


Give your metabolism time to adapt.



How do I start reverse dieting?


Let’s go over some easy, simplified steps to take on how to start a reverse diet.


→ Track what you eat for a few days and calculate your daily caloric intake

→ Start by adding 30-100 calories per week of healthy protein, carbs, and fats

→ Eat the increased calories for a whole week until increasing your calories again

→ Keep going week after week until you are at your desired calorie intake amount

→ Be patient with your body and if you notice a little weight gain, give it time and/or slow down how often you are increasing calories.

→ Live your best life, eating the amount of calories you want

Again, see a dietitian or personal trainer for 1 on 1 guidance and help for reverse dieting.



How do I know if I need to reverse diet?


Here are some things to look out for to know if you need to start a reverse diet.


→ You stop losing weight or your weight loss slows significantly

→ You become unmanageably hungry frequently

→ Your weight loss goals have been achieved but you want to eat more while maintaining your weight

→ During exercise you see a drop in performance energy

→ After exercise you see a drop in recovery energy



Should I do cardio on a reverse diet?


Cardio is unnecessary while on a reverse diet.


It doesn’t help it at all.


Please take this as your sign to not do unnecessary cardio just to “help” your body lose weight on a reverse diet.


If you find yourself gaining weight while reverse dieting, stop increasing your calories so much.



Does reverse dieting cause bloating?


Reverse dieting may cause some temporary bloating (UGH!!).


But please give your body time to adjust. 


The bloating should go away after it adapts.



When should I stop reverse dieting?


When you are happy with the amount of calories you are eating daily & it’s sustainable.


When you are maintaining your weight and happy with it.


When you have stuck with it for at least 8 weeks.


When you can’t maintain your weight any longer and start gaining it from continually increasing calories.



Why we should be reverse dieting


In my opinion, I think we should all at least try it.


I mean, how awesome is it to be able to eat the amount you want while also being able to lose/maintain our weight? 


I also think we should be doing this because this “diet” can lead to a sustainable lifestyle, unlike most other diets. 


& guess what?


If it doesn’t work, you can always go back to eating the way you did.


But if you’re feeling deprived, nothing else is working, or you’ve hit a plateau, it’s worth a try.



Email [email protected] to let us know how reverse dieting is working for you or if you have any questions!


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