Sunday Reset Routine for an Organized Week
Dec 08, 2023
A Sunday reset routine is the perfect way to start your week off organized.
It doesn’t have to be super complex or take hours long.
Simple is best because you will more likely stick with it.
This is a Sunday reset routine that makes me feel organized and ready for the week.
Feel free to grab some inspo from this list!
They don’t have to go in this specific order, and you can add in or take out anything that makes you happy and organized.
1. Clean your space
Whether your space is your bedroom, or you’re responsible for your whole house, take some time to clean your space and tidy it up.
There is nothing better than living in a clean space.
Even if you only have 10 minutes, use that 10 minutes to put some things away, make your bed, or do the dishes.
Anything is better than nothing & you will feel so much better once your space is cleaned and ready for the week.
2. Plan out an overview of your week
It doesn’t have to be detailed down to the minute but planning an outline of your week will help make sure you get the stuff done that you want to and also not forgetting anything major that you have to get done for school or work.
Some good tips:
→ Write out when you want to work out.
Scheduling time to work out will ensure that you make the time and follow through with your workouts.
→ Plan out your goals for the week.
We love smashing goals!!
Write out small, attainable goals that you want to get done that week.
You can also set an intention for the week.
I know you’re like, “you hippie, what does it mean to set an intention?”.
It is basically the mental state that you want to be in to accomplish a goal, or in this case, the week.
Some examples:
→ This week, I will be patient.
→ This week, I will eat healthy foods.
→ This week, I will be present.
Try setting an intention for the week and see how your focus gets better.
3. Plan out your meals for the week & meal prep if needed
Planning out your meals for the week is a great way to stay organized and know what groceries you need.
Plan out your breakfast, lunch, and dinners for the week.
That way, if you need to run to the store, you can still go before the work week starts.
Meal prepping is a great way to eat healthy throughout the week & save time during the day.
Get your meal prepping done on Sunday so that you won’t have to spend your Monday or Tuesday doing it.
Put a show on or listen to music to make it more enjoyable!
4. Do some light exercise
What I mean is, do your pushups and planks.
I am an absolute believer in pushups being the best full body exercise.
I also am an absolute believer in planks being the best ab exercise.
I think these should be done every day and starting them on Sunday is a great way to get the week going on a positive, healthy note.
If pushups and planks aren’t your thing, try a full body & ab exercise to do every day that you can do in 5 minutes or less.
5. Do your skincare
I am obsessed with skincare.
I am an avid anti-aging skincare lover.
That being said, do your skincare routine (whatever it may be) before sitting on your couch or bed and turning on the tv.
Because you know you won’t do it once you get sucked into the tv until 9 or 10pm.
6. Do something that helps you relax
TV helps me relax.
I love a good show.
But that might not be the same for you.
Maybe you like reading or journaling.
Whatever it may be, take an hour to yourself and do that thing before going to bed.
Sundays are the perfect day for self-care, organizing, and planning.
Let’s live our best lives and start our weeks off right!
Email [email protected] and let us know how this Sunday reset routine worked for you!
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