How to Winterize Your Skincare Routine
Dec 12, 2023When it comes to the cold months, we have to winterize our skincare routines.
I have one word for you.
The cold dries out our skin.
Nothing is worse than when you’re putting makeup on over dry skin.
It just does not go on smoothly.
So.. we need to winterize our skincare routine.
1. Monitor how your skin is feeling in the colder weather.
Maybe your skin doesn’t change.
Maybe it doesn’t get dry.
Maybe it does.
See how your skin is responding to the colder weather.
It is most likely more dry than usual.
2. Lower your face’s exposure to water
I don’t mean don’t take showers or wash your face.
However, water can really dry out your skin.
It may feel good at first, but after it will leave your skin feeling dry and itchy.
In the shower, try using less hot water and go for lukewarm (but still make it tolerable, of course).
Our skin secretes natural oils from the sebaceous gland that are needed for good skin health.
Hot water can strip these healthy oils from our skin, leaving it dehydrated and dry.
Knowing this, avoid hot water that makes your skin pink/red.
When washing our faces, try using cold water.
It sounds horrible but it actually feels so refreshing after.
It also:
→ Tightens the look of your skin
→ Increases circulation in your skin
→ Refreshes the skin
3. Use a gentler cleanser
As the skin is more dry in the winter months, your skin becomes more sensitive to tiny skin abrasions.
Find a nice and gentle cleaner to wash your face with.
Some good ones are:
→ CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser
→ Tula Gentle Milk Cleanser for Sensitive Skin
→ The Ordinary Squalane Cleanser
→ Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
4. Bring on the serums
This is something I am now adding to my skincare routine.
Serums, serums, serums.
Try one, try a couple, layer them on.
However, choose your serums intentionally.
Ingredients are very important when it comes to serums.
Hyaluronic acid is a great serum to use in the winter.
It actually helps the skin stretch and flex, which is great in the winter because dry skin does the opposite.
Vitamin C is always a great serum to use because it brightens the skin, which we need because the winter can dull our complexion.
Some good serum brands are:
→ The Ordinary
→ Dr. Dennis Gross
As you can see above, there are only 2 brands I recommend.
This is because I am very picky about the ingredients that are in the skincare products that I use.
I typically always run brands past my acupuncturist because she is the queen of clean, holistic products.
Do your research if you don’t have a trusted professional to ask.
There are so many unnecessary and potentially dangerous chemicals that can make it into products.
I would hate to see you use a product that could be harmful to you down the road.
5. Face Cream & Make it THICK
Moisturizing face creams are crucial for skin hydration in the winter months.
We need a thick face cream that will last and keep the skin dewy and radiant.
This will also help your makeup lay smoothly on the skin.
Apply face cream in the morning and at night after you wash your face.
(Yes, you should be washing your face in the morning & at night!!)
After you get out of the shower, moisturize your face with face cream.
Some good brands are:
→ CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
→ The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors & HA Daily Moisturizer
→ Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer
6. Exfoliation
Exfoliation is good for shedding dead skin cells and absorbing products.
However, it should not be done everyday, as it could damage the skin.
In the winter, I would recommend exfoliating once a week.
You should also get a gentler exfoliant.
A regular exfoliant could leave your skin red and irritated.
Some good exfoliant brands are:
→ The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% + HA 2% Exfoliating Serum
→ Cetaphil Exfoliating – Extra Gentle Daily Scrub
→ CeraVe Exfoliating – Salicylic Acid cleanser with Hyaluronic Acid
Bonus Skincare Routine Tip
Stay out of the sun.
The sun is still damaging in the winter months.
& I know no one wants to wear sunscreen in the winter, so it’s best to just avoid the sun, wear hats, and wear sunglasses.
(& driving gloves!!)
Trust me on this one.
Skincare routines are important and it’s never too early to start one.
Try incorporating these 6 things into your winter skincare routine and see how good it makes your skin feel.
Email [email protected] and let us know how these tips have helped you.
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